On January 17, 2014, California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. declared a drought state of emergency. California Rural Water Association, in response to current drought conditions, has technical assistance staff available to qualifying small water systems, needing drought planning and assistance. Our technical support team can provide support including developing a drought contingency plan, securing funding for water supply projects, and completing and implementing an emergency response plan.
CRWA is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association of professionals and utilities in the water and wastewater industry serving small communities. CRWA exists to enhance the quality of life in small communities by providing training, technical assistance, and representation to public water and wastewater utilities. CRWA is the California state affiliate of the National Rural Water Association (NRWA), participating in all of NRWA's programs and providing all of their benefits to California. For more information on CRWA, please visit their website, www.calruralwater.org. For more information of NRWA, please visit www.nrwa.org.